Saturday, September 9, 2017

Ravyver Cruz Accidentaly Strike Ageline Quinto

Celebrities, dancers, and singers often rehearse or practice mock performances in order to prepare for the performance. Every detail of the performance is triple-checked to ensure flawless execution of the performance. But, yeah, even if they are celebrities they can still make mistakes and some of them are just unusual or sometimes funny.

During the ASAP Birit Queen’s Concert at MOA, singer Angeline Quinto and co-performer Rayver Cruz was practicing their sensual number, Only Girl by Rihanna. In the Youtube video, Rayver was hip-thrusting behind Angeline Quinto who was kneeling and singing at the stage. Suddenly, Rayver Cruz’s hip-thrust went to high and hit the singer by his weapon. The singer was really surprised and made her eyes be saucers.

Likewise, the actor was apologetic when he realized he did a tiny accident on-stage. But, it looked like this was useless because performers didn’t mind it and did their number. As they say in showbiz, the show must go on.



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