Sunday, September 10, 2017

Cancer Patient Flings Money to their Air of a Hospital Corridor find out the Reason Why

We all know of the quote, “health is wealth.” But what good would tons of money bring if you’re already dying? This was probably the mantra of a rich cancer patient who threw her money all over the corridors of the Harbin Provincial Hospital in Heilongjiang, China.

You may have seen this news all over the net, but haven’t you wondered about the real story behind the viral photo?

There was a trending post that was going around Facebook recently about what really happened behind the incident. It was said that a sick woman arrived earlier that day at the Harbin Provincial Hospital. She was carrying a black handbag and immediately sought for medical assistance and an urgent treatment as she arrived. The doctor was able to identify her illness after a series of examinations and the news was too heartbreaking to bear.

The doctor said that the patient has cancer. And what’s worse is that she is already in the last stage of her illness. Only a miracle can solve this crisis. There’s nothing you can do – not even treatment or medication – once you’ve already reached Stage 4. And, death is inevitable.

On the last stage of cancer, a patient would usually be just lying in a hospital bed for a couple of weeks or months, waiting for his death that could come whatever time it would. Upon hearing this, the rich patient remained unbending as she insisted that the doctors should do something to cure her illness. She even went very far saying that she’s astonishingly rich, yet the doctors still emphasized that there’s nothing they could do for her illness to subdue. And that statement is what angered the patient.

She emptied her bag and it turns out that it contains lots of money! Someone even heard the desperate patient exclaimed:

“What’s the use of having money? Money cannot buy health, money cannot buy time, money cannot buy life.”

The heartbreaking story of this patient has touched the hearts of the netizens; however, the story hasn’t been verified yet. Some sources say that the patient was a male.

Regardless of that, the story still leaves the same message. Money cannot buy everything. So once we are still living, we have to cherish every moment because we’ll never know when it will all come to an end.



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