Sunday, September 10, 2017

Find out Which Plants can Help in Repelling Mosquitoes

According to the World Health Organization, more than a million people die each year due to mosquitoes and most cases are due to malaria. See, mosquitoes are deadlier than sharks! It is more probable that a person would die due to having mosquito related diseases than crashing in the plane he’s riding. For that matter, people all over the world struggle on finding ways to repel these pesky insects. Worry not, for there are natural ways to prevent mosquitoes on coming your way! Here are eight plants that could definitely help!
Lavenders are known to give off a fragrance that would surely calm your senses; however, it’s more than just that. Mosquitoes seem to hate the scent emitted by a lavender which is why they wouldn’t go near you if you smell just like this.
Garlics have a strong stench which makes mosquitoes feel dizzy.
The citrus smell produced by this plant is despised by mosquitoes.
There are also insects other than mosquitoes that steer clear when they smell peppermint. One example of which are ants.
The marigold plant oil offers hours of protection from mosquitoes and garden bags. 6.ROSEMARY
This plant is renowned for its good aroma that are used in foods; however, mosquitoes don’t find it fragrant. As a matter of fact, to them, Rosemary emits the worst stench there can ever be. 7.BASIL
This is just another great herb you can use to repel mosquitoes.
Geranium, just like lemon balm, smells citrus, which is why mosquitoes hate the scent it gives off.



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